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Selasa, 20 April 2010

Fitness Classes

Members and Guests will find many opportunities for group exercise through the full range of exercise classes offered by our professional, well-trained instructors. Most classes are one hour long. The schedule and types of classes offered varies at each center around Jakarta. Contact the Center Manager at the Lifespa Fitness center nearest your home or office for a current class schedule.

Group exercise classes feature a variety of exercise options. Try out several different Our team of professional instructors ensures members get a good workout classes until you discover the one which most suits your interest and current fitness goals:
The Fitball
FitballThe Fitball is a large air-filled ball. It is used to increase the effectiveness of our normal exercises. The challenge comes from its instability the deep abdominal muscles must work continuously harder just to maintain balance.

Exercises that are normally performed on a mat and can be transferred to a Fitball for a better ab workout include press-ups, abdominal curls and back extensions.

Fitball Gives a more challenging and effective workout and you will see the results much faster. Doing an abdominal curl on a stable surface (mat) will never challenge the abdominals or surrounding muscle as much as doing it on an unstable surface such as the Fitball. Using a Fitball forces your core stability muscles, including the abdominals, to work from the second that you lie on the ball - even before the exercise begins! You will feel the effects on the abdominals after very few repetitions.

Improves flexibility and posture. Regular abdominal and lower back exercises on a Fitball will improve body tone. You will also enjoy reduced incidence of back pain as the stabilising muscles of the back will get stronger and be better able to support the spine.

Improved balance, skill and agility and reduced risk of injury due to stronger core stability muscles.
Triple 'S'
Triple 'S' refers to: SWEAT, STRENGTH and STRETCH, with equal attention devoted to each component. Start the class with low impact aerobics, followed by weight training for all major muscle groups, and finish with a total stretch to ease tension and tightness. This class is well worth adding to your fitness routine.
Power Stretch
An energizing stretch class that incorporates modified yoga postures. The focus is on flexibility, breathing, alignment, posture, and relaxation. Take time to lengthen and stretch - an often neglected component of fitness!
Pilates is a form of exercise, developed which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement.

Pilates is one of the most popular exercise systems in the country.

Pilates works so well for a wide range of people. Athletes and dancers love it, as do seniors, women rebounding from pregnancy, and people who at various stages of physical rehabilitation.

Core strength is the foundation of Pilates exercise. The core muscles are the deep, internal muscles of the abdomen and back. When the core muscles are strong and doing their job, as they are trained to do in Pilates, they work in tandem with the more superficial muscles of the trunk to support the spine and movement.

As you develop your core strength you develop stability throughout your entire torso. This is one of the keys to how Pilates helps people overcome back pain. As the trunk is properly stabilized, pressure on the back is relieved and the body is able to move freely and efficiently.
Yoga has simple and effective body movements that strengthen one's back, firm the stomach, and redistribute body weight. Yoga exercises stretch and tone the body muscles. They increase endurance and improve flexibility.

Yoga is the best among all exercises for toning muscles, lubricating joints and massaging the body. Yoga postures bring physical as well as mental stability, health and vigor. Yoga developed thousands of years ago and have evolved over centuries. They work wonders in keeping the body healthy and the mind peaceful. Asanas or positions exercise the nerves, glands, ligaments, and muscles. In other words, yoga exercises are the most comprehensive method of self care.
Cardio Kickbox
Features kicks, punches and martial arts with aerobic moves. Cardio Kickbox may be completed in a continuous training format or alternate periods of high intensity work with recovery. This workout is a terrific calorie burner, a means of developing increased stamina and a great stress reliever!
Step Aerobics (Intermediate & Advance)
Step aerobics provides high intensity, low impact cardiovascular training. Step continues to be a favorite of many as an effective workout! Follow up the cardio section with torso strengthening and end with a soothing stretch.
Special Class
Offered several times a month as a change to routinely scheduled classes.
Latin Dance Workout
Put some sizzling salsa into your program! This class is guaranteed to motivate you and get you moving! Join our special guest instructor for a workout with a difference. Suitable for all fitness levels.
Achieve your Fitness Goals
While balanced nutrition and lifestyle are essential to wellness, regular physical activity plays a key role. Lifespa Fitness has proven experience in helping our members successfully meet their physical fitness goals. Fitness assessments are utilized, from which a well-planned and carefully balanced exercise plan is developed.

All exercise plans focus on the major components of fitness, including cardiovascular training, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and improved body composition. Likewise, our professionals are skilled at supporting members to achieve a range of additional goals ranging from stress reduction, weight control and improved sports performance to refining eating habits and identifying health and nutritional strategies.

We can assist members to reach their fitness goals by developing fitness programs for individual members, fully monitoring them for their first six workouts as well as providing them with the information and motivation to maintain their progress thereafter.

Innovative group exercise classes are held on a regular monthly schedule, with special classes inserted for variety and cross training benefits. We are proud to offer such a wide diversity of classes - designed to help members work out and meet a wide variety of fitness goals.

To help determine the fitness goals you want to achieve, just ask our instructors to assist you in determining which is the best program to meet your needs. By following a 6-week Starter Program with rigid schedules and appropriate exercise, you will be able to familiarize yourself with fitness equipment and monitor your progress towards achieving your fitness goals. This program is free for new members.
Personal Trainers
Lifespa Fitness Personal Trainers help members develop a safe and efficient workout plan to best achieve their individual fitness goals. One-on-one training with a Lifespa Fitness Personal Trainer offers you:

* A customized, comprehensive workout program designed to meet both your short-term and long-term fitness goals,
* Guidance on proper diet, nutrition and maintenance for superior results beyond the workout, and instruction on exercise form, performance and schedule for maximum safety and effectiveness.
* An alternative to group exercise which may not be suitable to help you reach your personal fitness goals.

Relax at the Spa after your Workout

Lifespa Fitness is also known for its quality beauty and spa treatments. These treatments provide opportunities for quiet “inner time”. Seeking regular release from emotional and mental tension is crucial to wellness, particularly bearing in mind the hectic pace of life in Jakarta. Our pampering services provide the opportunity to unwind, provided by our well-trained, proficient spa and massage therapists.
Please feel free to complete the You Might be a Lifespa Fitness Member form to receive additional details about Lifespa Fitness.

Visit Lifespa Fitness Now! Get a Lifespa Fitness Guest Pass and come try out our facilities with your friends at a 50% discount.
Step Aerobics (Intermediate & Advance)
Step aerobics provides high intensity, low impact cardiovascular training. Step continues to be a favorite of many as an effective workout! Follow up the cardio section with torso strengthening and end with a soothing stretch.